Tuesday, September 6, 2011

First Post

This is kind of exciting as it seems blogging will become much of my life in the future. From now on I can tell my kids my first blog was about Shakespeare. They will think I'm an English nerd. No problem. Taking this class I hope to become more well rounded by diving into a world of unknown. Word use, critical thinking and analyzing other's writings are among skills I hope to develop over the semester.
Right now I am enjoying different themes our teacher has pulled out of Hamlet. The unknown world is emerging before my eyes. Like JJ, I believe there are many things in Shakespeare's writing that apply to our day. Hamlet seems to show there are less and less sources to trust these days. There seems to be a theme of "is this the real life, or is this fantasy?" Yes Hamlet saw a ghost, but was it real? Yes Claudius heard Voltemand deliver a message of peace about Norway, but was it true? Even though Claudius is at the top of the kingdom, is he really fooling himself? To me, and this is personal opinion and experience, the only real life, the only sustainable lasting happiness, comes from doing what us right. When we are doing our best the Lord will sustain us. These characters, and many in Shakespeare's plays, seem to live upon wickedness, and their miserable ends undoubtedly follow.


  1. You bring up a good point that I haven't even thought of! Well, I think it's crossed my mind, but then I keep reading and I forget about it. Anyway, that's a good observation about Denmark's relationship with Norway. It seems like the problem with Fortinbras was solved too easily. There must be a reason why that subplot is in there...

  2. I like what you said about real happiness coming from choosing the right- because in all Shakespeare plays, it seems like they are wicked or make bad decisions. And then... it all ends badly. Wisdom for the day: CTR!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I do feel a bit frustrated with the news part of our media. That is news paper, online, TV... I always feel like what is reported is to push an agenda, or just to stop someone's agenda. It's hard to know the truth alot of times.
