Thursday, December 1, 2011

The Orange Jumpsuit

Well things are coming together for the final project. We all met today for class at the law building and shot some film in the court room. I thought I was going to be in a scene wearing a suit, so I dressed up, but it turns out I was fit to be the convict and zipped on the orange jump suit. The things you have to do for show business!
The atmosphere of thought changed. My collared shirt wouldn't cut it for a man on trial, and we had Meg jump in to the suit and I cinched back up my tie. Chris and I played Prospero and Ariel and quoted lines about forgiveness and mercy. I don't want to reveal too much, but I think it will turn out pretty cool. Kara really knows what she's doing with directing.
To finish off the day we divided up the rest of the scenes, set a deadline for when they need to be in the drop box. After that we have to do the editing and put the picture to some music and the project will be finished.

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